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Some videos of our realistic fake pregnant belly products, Simply select a video to watch. Our Moonbumps also feature in many Movies & TV shows.

3-4 Month Silicone Fake Pregnant Belly

5-6 Month Silicone Fake Pregnant Belly

7-8 Month Silicone Fake Pregnant Belly

8-9 Month or Twins Silicone Fake Pregnant Belly

Endangered, 2020 Damn Write Original

Claire at Seven Months, 2020 Dir. Jacob Halpren

Outlander TV Series

Clinique Ovo Fertility Clinic

Torchwerks, TV Hospital Commercial

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Hillywood Show Parody

The Bridge, Swedish TV Crime Drama

Closet Confessions, Maternity fashion styling tips by Trinny Woodall

Worldwide map - Moonbumps are delivered worldwide


Individually Handcrafted in Britain

 Handmade in BritainWe support Friends of the EarthFSB MembersRoyal Central School of Speech & Drama Alumni 2004

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General Enquiries: info@moonbump.com
Press & Promotion: promotion@moonbump.com